Hey OTM Families! Here On The Mat we hold many events during the year, but our most consistent events are our Testing! Our staff does a fantastic job of making sure each family is informed and ready each time Testing rolls around. I am sure you have seen one of our many emails, […]
Hey OTM Families! Is testing coming up soon? Testing is an amazing opportunity to help children learn that accomplishing goals is FUN! Our ninjas work hard all cycle long and earning a new belt at the end is an exciting achievement. Sometimes though, we may get a great score but not the “perfect” […]
Greetings OTM Families! I would like to take a moment and talk about Testings! What is testing? Testing is a celebration of a student’s hard work. The event itself is a culmination of their effort and the reward for learning to overcome challenges. The “Test” is actually nothing more than performing the skill stripe requirements […]